Day 49 – The Devil’s Barbecue
Original Composition Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010It lasts for a thousand years or more,is sizzilingly searingHot as hell on fireand bright as purgatory,when it's purgingCook your food here, anyone?Not on…
Original Composition Date: Saturday, April 24, 2010It lasts for a thousand years or more,is sizzilingly searingHot as hell on fireand bright as purgatory,when it's purgingCook your food here, anyone?Not on…
Original Composition Date: Friday, April 23, 2010In a time long gone, archaeology was a real journey into the past culture, via the vault. Similar, if not exactly the same as…
Original Composition Date:Thursday, April 22, 2010Are you leaving me?It isn't a pretty thought, to say good-bye,It's more like a knife cut to the hand,sharp and razor hard, difficult to parry.Stop…
Original Composition Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 Short snow- icing covered walks down slippery tree lined lane,brings feelings of cosy farm Christmases past,back to mind, with horse drawn sleigh rides, toinspect…
Original Composition Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010Summer in the banana belt, sweltering heatdespite the intermittent shade,sun glaring off the narrow paved road,humidity rising in waves,leaving clammy beads on skin.Ripened tobacco…
Original Composition Date: Monday, April 19, 2010This road has been shrouded in unknowns for a long time. In fact, as far back as my family can remember, people generally didn't…
Original Composition Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010 In this face there are many colours combined,minute specks of sweetnessbut each one individually defined.Would I could call them out by name,and characteristics, butin…
Original Composition Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010Dawning, rising up like a sun,entering the void, surrounded,apricot coloured rays of ice,fragmented, broken,preserved in tiny globules.Life forms all of them,from distant star's planetscast…
Original Composition Date: Friday, April 16, 2010Spread out your sweeping breadth unfurled,with crackling snapping expansion widelike the blue-silver sky, immense,comforting in it's bigness,protective, embracing, like a sheet,yet sailing, effective, in…
Original Composition Date:Thursday, April 15, 2010 In 2001, the Navy exercised their muscles in our community. They built a windmill in the water to collect power. They generated electricity to…